Wonder Woman Workout

Superman invites Wonder Woman to join him in lifting weights in the new 'high gravity' gym to help them build muscles.

She accepts, more to socialize than anything else. She has never seen the need for such a workout as she is already super strong. However, Superman is different. He needs to lift weights to build up his body.

Soon she is matching his best lifts, then exceeding his best, and then finally destroying his best. All while adding more and more muscle along the way until she has built up a body that puts his to shame.

Unfortunately for Superman, Wonder Woman has now found immense enjoyment in weight lifting, and will definitely be a frequent visitor to the Justice League's new gym from now on...

Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, workout, weight lift, bicep flex, superhero, comics

Story by up2nogd1
Artwork by Altercomics-Rearte Gabriel

High resolution (2455x3501)

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